How to design
How to design
Durata: Module 50 hours (of 50 minutes) - Number of tuition hours per week: 6
Irene Leveghi
Lingua: Inglese
Scuola: Secondaria di secondo grado
Classe: [Terza]
Disciplina: [Arte]
Liceo Artistico Alessandro Vittoria, TN
- ModulePlan.pdf
- U1_L1_ALL1_The steps.pptx
- U1_L2_ALL2_The timetable.pdf
- U1_L2_ALL3_Moments.pdf
- U1_L2_ALL4_Stages.pdf
- U1_L2_ALL5_Pictures and definitions.pdf
- U1_L3_ALL6_The stages assignment.pdf
- U1_L3_ALL7 _How to be creative video.pdf
- U1_L4_ALL8_Vocabulary.pptx
- U1_L4_ALL9_An overview.pptx
- U1_L5_ALL10_VocabSketches.pdf
- U1_L6_ALL11_Self-assessment sheet.pdf
- U1_L6_ALL12_SatisfactionQuestionnaire.png
- U2_L1_ALL13_Interview.pdf
- U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy shoes.pdf
- U2_L3_ALL15_Metamorphosis.pdf
- U2_L3_ALL16_BES.pdf
- U2_L3_ALL17_Self evaluation.pdf
- U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf
- U3_L2_ALL19_The art of transforming the city.pdf
- U3_L2_ALL20_Create a tag.pdf
- U3_L2_ALL21_Like a real artist.pdf
- U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf
- U3_L3_ALL22a_BanksyClimateChange.pdf
- U3_L3_ALL23_Thewordsearch.pdf
- U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get started.pdf
- U3_L4_ALL25_Teacher grid team work.pdf
- U3_L4_ALL26_Students grid team work.pdf
- U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil.pdf
- U3_L6_ALL28_Rubric.pdf